Hi bloggers it's me Darlene and this is one of my slides for maths its called Darlene's New Zealand Journey. We had to find prices for all the slides and choose activities for when we go to that town. There were lots of slides to finish, the hardest slide was we had to find out how much it would cost to go to the place and fly back. Then at the end of all the slides we had to add up all the prices that had put down in every slide. Once we were finished we went over it checked it and then we were done.

Here are the two slides I was talking about in my other little bit that I wrote. These two slides were the hardest ones ever to Figer out. We had to use the calculator to add up everything up in the slides. But the hardest slide out of both of them was the petrol slide. It was hard but at the same time it was annoying too because it was hard to find the prices for every place we went to. And we had to find out how long it took for every place that we went to as well.
Blog you later.